Eddie Buraye

Actor / Writer / Director

Eddie Buraye grew up in the San Fernando Valley in the city of Granada Hills, California. He graduated from Granada Hills High School in 1998. He furthered his studies by completing a Bachelor’s degree in Biology with a minor in Chemistry in 2012 – at California State University of Channel Islands.Eddie was raised by his beautiful, hardworking parents – as a Catholic. However, in 2010, he discovered his true identity when he attended Rocky Peak Church and surrendered his will to JESUS CHRIST – as a born-again Christian. Living for sex, drugs, and rock & roll slowly diminished as he pursued GOD wholeheartedly.To this day, Eddie is continuing to trust JESUS in a relational way and is not the person he used to be – because of his broken, repentant faith. In 2017, Eddie felt called to pursue the film industry to glorify GOD in family-friendly and Christian faith-based films.”Therefore, if anyone is in CHRIST, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come.” 2 Corinthians 5:17

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Final Frequency

Key Guard (2021)