Sammy Voit

Actor / Producer / Composer

Originally from New York City, Sammy Voit (born Samuel Mori Voit) is a Young Artist Academy-nominated actor working with commercial and TV experience on networks including NBC, CBS, Fox, Showtime, and Food Network. Sammy also has worked on a number of films, including To Dust, which won the Audience Award at the Tribeca Film Festival and Helen, for the Best Fiction Short Film at the Melbourne International Film Festival. Sammy recently appeared alongside Kevin Jonas in the Happiness Continues film and tour.Sammy is trained in dance, filmmaking, digital and film photography, and the culinary arts and has competed in a number of network culinary shows. Sammy is making a documentary called The Bus Stop about homelessness throughout NYC and LA. Additionally, he has teamed up with the Seacrest Foundation and childrens’ hospitals throughout the US, entertaining and speaking with patient and their families. Sammy spends his time between NYC and LA. He has two siblings and two rescue dogs named, Hezi and Benny.During the Pandemic of 2020, Sammy has been recording the lives of people during the pandemic and putting together a documentary called “Masked.”Sammy is represented by A3 Artists Agency and Untitled Entertainment.

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To Dust

Naftali (2018)

The Greatest Showman

Barnum Boy (2017)

Uncut Gems

Arlo and Ida's son (2019)

This is the Year

Dr. Spacecakes (2021)