Almudena Carracedo

Director / Producer / Writer

Born in Madrid, Spain, Almudena developed her professional career in the US, where she directed and produced her debut film, the Emmy-winning feature documentary Made in L.A. (2007). In 2012, Almudena returned to her native Spain to begin work on The Silence of Others (2018), in collaboration with Robert Bahar. Executive Produced by Pedro Almodóvar and seven years in the making, “The Silence of Others” premiered at the 2018 Berlin International Film Festival, where it won both the Berlinale Panorama Audience Award and the Peace Film Prize. “The Silence of Others” has won 40+ international prizes, including the Goya for Best Documentary Feature (Spain’s Academy Award), Platino Award for Best Documentary Feature (IberoAmerican Academy Award equivalent), Sheffield Doc/Fest Grand Jury Award, and #2 Audience Favorite at IDFA. It was shortlisted for Best Documentary Feature for the 91st Academy Awards and was nominated for a European Film Award. Almudena is a Guggenheim Fellow, a Creative Capital Fellow, a Sundance Time Warner Documentary Fellow, a United States Artists Fellow, a National Association of Latino Independent Producers (NALIP) Estela Award winner, and the recipient of an honorary doctorate from Illinois Wesleyan University.

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The Silence of Others

Director (2019)